Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fun with Friends!

A few weekends ago, Michael & Allison Mayer came to visit!!  They moved to Charleston a year and a half ago and we miss them dearly.  But we had such a fun time together & we were so thankful that we got to see them (and the Neelys)!  Here are some pictures from our weekend...
Backyard cookout at the Neelys
A little ladder golf  
Yummmmy ribs cooked in the smoker
Watching the USC game at Bender's 
The Neelys, Mayers, and Riddles  :)
And Lib joined us for the game
Some Just Dance action... ha!
Get it Mayers!
So entertaining to watch!
My personal favorite performance... Aaron & Ryan
Lunch downtown at Grey's
You know you wanna move back to Greensboro... puh-leeeease!  :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Baby Mason!!!

Meredith, one of my closest friends, just had her first baby on Monday!  I was able to go visit her right after work on Wednesday & hold that sweet baby alllll night!  Mason is so adorable & is so blessed to have Mer & Ryan as parents.  :)
Mer & Mason!!
CONGRATS Mer & Ryan...I'm so excited for you guys!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dining room ledge

We put up board & batten in our dining room & I really, really love it.  But I'll be honest... when we moved in, decorating above the ledge was not Hannah's top priority.  We randomly threw things up there when we were unpacking if we weren't sure where else to put them.  It looked like a mish-mash of a few picture frames and some other nick-nacks.  So... Goal #1 for last weekend: decorate the ledge and make it look cohesive & planned.  Goal #2:  Don't spend a lot of money doing it.  Here's how it turned out.
This was the random collection that originally ended
up on the ledge after we moved in.  Not my fav.
Step 1: Went to Value Village thrift store &
picked up a bunch of random picture frames.
Step 2: Got this dirty window from the free pile
at Architectural Salvage downtown. 

Step 3: Arranged everything on
the ledge how I wanted it.

Step 4: Bought spray paint from Home Depot.
Step 5: Arranged everything on a
tarp outside to be painted.
Step 6:  Painted frames & window Antique White 
Step 7:  Cleaned & scraped the window.
Step 8:  Got some photos developed at Costco
and arranged them in the frames.
Step 9:  Arranged everything on the ledge.  :)

We got this in Nicaragua this summer. 
And we got these in Nicaragua too.  :)

Overall it only cost about $30.  I can handle that.
I also got this at Value Village for $3!
I love these little pitchers.
Especially when they have flowers in them.   :)
I really love my dining room.  :)  The biggest reason I love my dining room is because we're actually able to have more than 2 friends over at a time and we all have seats to sit in!