Thursday, April 17, 2014

Westover's Resurrection Eggstravaganza!

Last Saturday, Westover hosted a Resurrection Eggstravaganza for the little ones and it was a great event to go to as a family.  It started with a time of family worship on the kids' level, then an Easter egg hunt, and a free hot dog lunch. Such a fun morning & the weather couldn't have been better!!
Where'd my baby boy go?!
For the 2 and unders, the eggs were just in the grass. Very wise!
A man on a mission!
Caught red handed! Sorry Collins!
Doing boy stuff with sticks.  :)
I'm so thankful for a church that places an emphasis on the Gospel and on youth. 


  1. He is getting so big and so handsome! Love y'all!

  2. I like seeing the little man snagging an egg from someone else's basket - "work smarter, not harder" as Grandaddy Rick always told us.

  3. Canon was super into the sticks during his Egg Hunt too!!
